Friday, 17 September 2010

Research and planning: Andrew Goodwin

this song related the lyrics to the music through movements and images on screen. it also has multiple close ups of the artist and the video relates to the genre of music. there is no voyeurism present in the video because it is by a female artist.

this video uses a lot of voyeurism and the camera is mostly focused on the artist at a close up position. There is a lot of relation between the lyrics and the video for example they write what they sing on the video. this video is genre related as it is a rap video and the video has stereotypical features such as women dancing in limited clothing.

there is little reference to Andrew Goodwin's list. their is nothing really genre related in this video as it is quite random. their are very little close ups of the artist as it is very basic and a hand-held video. There is no Voyeurism involved in this video and their is no intertextual references to other media texts.

1 comment:

  1. No voyeurism because it's a female artist?!! This doesn't follow at all - what about Pussycat Dolls, Lady Gaga, Beyonce? All female artists, all have videos which are extremely voyeuristic.

    You need to be much more detailed in your analysis, and you need to discuss videos in relation to theoretical concepts - have a look at your research and planning guidance handout.
