Thursday, 16 September 2010

Music video and auteurs

All these music videos are all produced by Spike Jonze, they all have similarities which are all 6 of them are very entropic and are very random videos, they all are quite loud and their is always a lot of movement in the videos. Another characteristic that most of them have are they all are comical and none of them are really relevant or tell a story.

I think you could say he has an auteur signature in the way that he consistently produces videos that are similar in the fact they are all random and don't really have a point to them, another thing you could say is that they are quite amateur and simplistic which you may be able to vaguely recognise that he produced if you didn't know who he was as some of them are fairly similar. All his videos are very entropic but in different ways and they all are different types of music showing he doesn't just specify on one genre but he produces videos for a wide range of different music.

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