Wednesday 29 September 2010

Brief history of music video

The first music video was made in 1894 which consisted of a few still images which brought about great entertainment. After this 'talkies' were introduced in 1926 these videos lasted 6 minutes in length and featured deco style animations and backgrounds. The next thing introduced were promotional clips in the 1940's for the Panoram visual jukebox, these were short videos of musical selections mainly of the band.

This is the first ever music video on MTV, and as you can see its very basic, low budget and low-fi.

This video is one of the more influential videos that is much more high budget and a lot more technical.

On the other hand, this video shows how that a low budget video like this can still use technology we have in the 21st century.

This video shows a stereotypical view of girls and is very over the top sexy video, this differs from a typical sexy video such as Madonna who shows off a bit, this takes it overtly sexual in showing off too much.

This video shows audience orientation, this is different from the other videos as the artists has used clips of people singing the words. this shows how technology has changed over the years in which you can change and tamper with a music video through editing.

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