As you can see there are some similarities of the two because i wanted my product to look at professional as i could make it. For example they are quite dull simplistic colours to reflect on the indie nature. Another example that shows that they are similar in both digipacks are the pictures themselves, The characters in the pictures are very lively or doing anything over the top, They are very simple and straightforward shots. The reason i did this is because is shows that the indie lifestyle is very laid back and relaxing and a lot of the time they show a calm 'dont care' take on life.
Before we started filming we had to get feedback on what people thought of our reasearch and planning work, to do this we set up our own facebook group and invited members who we thought matched the genre of 'indie' to comment on our work that we posted, this was one of the questiions and answers...
'Does the Production work target the audience we wanted?'
Answer ...
' Yes, i feel the indie theme is portrayed well. Also the black and white editing you used looks good. The costume and people used go with the target audience and are a typical indie group which your target audience would approve of.'
This answer shows that our audience understands what we are aiming for.
When watching our final product and comparing it to a real music video there are many differences. I think there are a few reasons for this the first reason being is that we are limited to the amount of technology that is available in the college compared to the amount that a 'real' product would have. Also although me and my group were planning on a low-fi video anyway but the budget is also a huge reason to why the videos are different because the 'real' product would have a bigger budget meaning they can be a lot more creative are not worry about cost but me and my group had no budget.
The theorist i wanted to keep my attention on was Steve Neale and his theory way 'Audience take pleasure from genre because of instances of repetition and difference' . that is, they want generic conventions so that they no what to expect, but they also want to see variations within these conventions so that they are able to differentiate between products and don't get bored with seeing generic texts.
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